Sunday 22 April 2012


I've updated this page if you care to take a look, pictures from my latest experimentations are included.

Work Experience

I will soon be finishing my first year of academic study at university, with a whole four months before i begin my second year at the end of September. During this time, i have acquired some work experience at The Cambridge Contemporary Art Gallery, which is down Trinity Street in Cambridge.

Im really looking forward to getting to know what it would be like to work in a gallery. I am working for two weeks in total, from the 18th June to the 22nd June, and also from the 28th August to the 31st August. These two weeks are 'change-over' weeks, where the work displayed in the gallery is taken down and new work is put up. Some of the tasks i will be expected to do in this time is take down the work, package it safely and carefully, store it, clean the gallery between the change-over and put up the new work making sure the work is displayed correctly and professionally. Other duties include labelling all the work (artist name, date, price) and making sure that is correct, helping to write and organise biographies for the artists exhibiting, and dealing with public enquiries.

I will be assisting in two change-overs. The first will be for a 'Mixed Summer Exhibition' and 'Cambridge Scenes', and the second will be 'Reg Cartwright: New Paintings'. I think it will be interesting for me to see the difference between putting an exhibition together for a group of artists and an exhibition for a solo show.

If you want to find out more information about the gallery, you can visit their website at: